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-Blog 1: Wednesday March 30, 2016
-Blog 2: Friday April 29, 2016
-Blog 3: Friday June 10, 2016

Happy blogging!

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Sample Report

Into The Wild – Jon Krakauer

Rating: *****

Into The Wild is one of my all time favourite books. It is an easy read that just grasps your attention from start to finish.

The story is about a young man who struggles to be part of regular society and in his search of himself, he ends up living in a school bus in the Alaskan wilderness. Determined to survive off the land, he rids himself of almost all modern day luxuries. Unfortunately, he doesn't survive.

I really enjoyed the story and the fact that it has made me think hard about his mistakes. How the fact that if he had a map, that he would be alive today. Also, that with all the dangers we would think about falling a victim to in the Alaskan wilderness, like bears & cold temperatures, it was something he ate (and he had a edible plants book).

I highly recommend you read this book before you watch the movie.

Krakauer, Jon. Into The Wild. New York: Villard, 1996. Print.