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Monday 13 June 2016

7 Canadian Rivers You Need To Paddle -Kevin CAllen
Mackenzie Lagrove
Mr Laughton

As Kevin Callan reviews about his paddling trips around Canada, he recommends some crazy Canadian rivers that you must run if you ever get the opportunity. His first river that he reviewed is called Milk River which is located in Southern Alberta. Milk River is over 3,000 years old, while you paddle the river you get a great sense of the community of the indigenous peoples art and existence. Also the river shows a beautiful view of sandstone cliffs, blowing grass and and outstanding prairie landscape.

The second River that was reviewed is called the Mississauga River which is located in the Kawartha Highlands Provincial Park, Ontario. This river is a very peaceful route, which is  surrounded with  beautiful cottages. This river is very well known for their outstanding 100 year old red oaks and sugar maple trees and the home of the 5-lined skink, which is Canada’s only lizard.

The Petawawa River which is located in the Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario is a very well known river for the people who enjoyed using it like Pierre Trudeau, Bill Mason and many famous poets who wrote about this peaceful river. The landscape is a view of white pine and granite cliffs with moderate but challenging rapids. This route takes 7 days to complete fully.

The Sturgeon River is “ a collection of double rapids mixed with remote atmosphere and gorgeous scenery” It would take you a full week to complete with lots of portages and beautiful mountains to look at. This river is located in Temagami, Ontario, and is said to be the best river trips in the province.

The 5th river Kevin suggested was the Missinaibi River in Northeastern Ontario. It is the longest free flowing river that has two part an upper and lower. The lower part has an incredible look at the famous Thunderhouse falls. The upper part which Kevin recommends has a more technically challenged rapids to run and  a very diverse scenery.    

Kopka River in Wabakimi Provincial Park offers a Amazon feel with seven abrupt waterfalls, (which need climbing gear for portaging) the river itself is genuinely flat but is definitely an adventure you'll never forget.

The last river Kevin suggested to canoe is more of a kayaking trip because of big tides. The river is called Hillsborough/ Pisquid which is located in Prince Edward Island and it is P.E.I’s largest river system. Its is a Canadian Heritage River because of historical and ecological history.

Callan, Kevin. "7 Canadian Rivers You Need to Paddle." Explore Magazine. N.p., 28 Apr. 2016. Web. 07 June 2016.

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