Ultimate Frisbee Infographic
Rating *****
This infographic is about the 5 W's (Who,What,When,Where,Why and How) of Ultimate Frisbee and is informative with interesting facts with a neat way of presenting the information .
The infographic explains the basics of ultimate Frisbee in terms of how it is played and what it is.It also explains where it is played (mainly in North America) and why as well as when and who plays it,which the sport is played across 42 countries competitively in the world with players from all ages and levels in the world championships.
I learned alot about ultimate frisbee from reading this infographic,I learned that a 150 lbs person would burn 544 calories an hour playing ultimate frisbee.I also learned that ultimate frisbee is a combination of basketball,soccer and rugby,i never thought about it like that before but its true because if you stop dripping a basketball and start moving or if you travel its the other teams ball,same way in ultimate frisbee its a turnover and the other teams frisbee.Its like soccer aslo because youre constantly on your feet and moving from one end of the field to the other and lastly it has rubgy aspects because you need good aerial passing and receiving skills to catch the frisbee and your goal is to take the frisbee to your opponents endzone.
This infographic is worth a look if you want to learn or remind yourself how Ultimate frisbee is played,if you already know how to play then you might learn a cool fact like how much a regulation frisbee weighs.
Link to the infographic: http://cache.ultiworld.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/ultimate_infographic1.jpg
Citation:"Infographic Of The Day: Ultimate Primer Edition | Livewire | Ultiworld." Ultiworld. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 June 2016.
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Interesting resource and great blog write-up!