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Sunday 1 May 2016

"How To Start A Fire From Birch Bark Using Only A Spark"

Title is "How To Start A Fire From Birch Bark Using Only A Spark" by a youtuber with the channel name "Forrester Bushcraft"


Since the outdoor ed class will be having a lesson on fire starting with various natural objects,one being birch bark,I thought I would go ahead and find a video explaining how its done so I know what to expect going into the lesson.

This video features a man who explains thoroughly how to prepare and ignite a piece of dry birch bark with a spark created by friction between a rod and a sharp object.As you may already know birch bark is a great fire starter when it is dry as it catches flames easily,but for best results you need to prepare it by making little pieces of it with a knife as you would see in the video,then use the rod and shave a couple pieces of metal off that onto the shavings of birch bark and then just try to ignite the birch bark by striking the rod directly towards the birch bark.

I learn through this video how to make a fire with birch bark,a knife and a rod.The video explains how to go about doing it thoroughly and clearly and is a great resource for anyone wanting to learn how to start a fire with birch bark without a doubt.

I highly recommend this video to anyone wanting to learn how to start a fire with birch bark using only a knife and a rod.You can tell the man knows what he is doing and has experience in the subject matter.

Reference: ArdethVillyan. "How To Start A Fire From Birch Bark Using Only A Spark." YouTube. YouTube, 2014. Web. 01 May 2016.


  1. I remembered my Dad teaching my brothers and me the "science" of starting a fire, and it still stirs memories of our simple and happy childhood. Even with all the technology today, kids and even adults will find it fascinating to start a fire from Birch or any kind of tinder. My Dad even turned MacGyver-ish when he introduced to us a 9v battery and steel wool. I now teach my sons the joys of backpacking, pitching a tent and of course starting a fire! I've also shared some interesting sites to them including this http://backpackingmastery.com/skills/how-to-start-a-fire.html
