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Saturday 28 May 2016

Why We Joined Outdoor Ed.

Video Review
Why we explore- January 2015
By Jason Silva
rating: ***
"Why we Explore", by Jason Silvia is an eccentric, excited narrative on how we travel. In equal parts, creativity and information, Jason describes indirectly how to experience travel to the fullest, and why we want to travel. He didn't make the video specifically about the outdoors, but I feel the video's most applicable to nature.

This video is set up in a motivational-style narrative, partly meant to exhilerate the viewer. It describes the emotion by which we lose ourselves in the moment, how to appreciate your surroundings, and how the experience can become transformative. It also describes breifly the search for signification, our relationship with the present, and the relationship between our mindset and our experience.

Aside from the emotional respose "Why we Explore" elicits, there is some value in the  ideas you can collect from the video. It reminds us that when we go outdoors, or do anything simply for the experience, you need to be present. Not only that, but you need to give as much attention to yourself, as your surroundings. It also reminds us that when you try to find the highlight of your trip, plans and structure can only help so much, and they won't help at all if you don't allow yourself time to enjoy the experience of breaking routine.

, It wasn't entirely outdoors- based, and the eccentric manner of presentation means that not everyone would react the same way. Some will react in interest, and excitement, while others might find the video boring. 
On the other hand, "Why we Explore" holds an interesting bit of philosophy that might help us out a bit on our upcoming camping trip. It reminds us that most of us joined this course for the enjoyment, and we should remember this throughout whatever we do. 

Work Cited:
Why we Explore. youtube. Shots of Awe. Web. 2015
May 28th, 2016

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