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-Blog 1: Wednesday March 30, 2016
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Sunday, 8 May 2016

How to Steer and Paddle a Canoe : How to Do a Forward Stroke, Reviewed by Jack Gorman

Rating: ***

            In ExpertVillage’s video “How to Do a Forward Stroke”, a canoe expert, Bruce Lessels, shows viewers how to efficiently and effectively perform a forward stroke in a canoe. The video is fairly brief, spanning a time frame of about two and a half minutes, and involves an explanation as to how a forward stroke should be carried out, as well as a quick demonstration.
            Lessels explains that your paddle should be perpendicular to the surface of the water for the majority of your stroke for the most power. He also talks about how you should use the large muscles in your torso, back or shoulder area, rather than the smaller muscles in your arms. The reason for this is that the larger muscles will not tire out as quickly as the smaller ones will, allowing for more paddling time and less resting time.
            This video is relevant to the outdoor education curriculum, as we will be involved in a three day canoe trip, where this skill will be necessary. This video is actually part of a series of videos, where viewers can learn how to perform other basic canoe strokes such as drawing or prying, and some stern strokes such as the “J” or “C” strokes as well.
            I would give this video a rating of three out of five stars. It does a good job of explaining the basic idea of performing a forward stroke, however, it does not explain with much depth. It does not go over how much of the paddle should be in the water, what side to paddle on in what circumstances, or how to select a paddle that suits your height and skill level. Overall, combined with a few other short videos on paddle theory, this would be an excellent way to learn how to do a forward stroke.

Works Cited

Bruce Lessels. "How to Steer and Paddle a Canoe : How to Do a Forward Stroke in Canoeing." YouTube. Expert Village, 2008. Web. 06 May 2016.


  1. A pretty good video. It would have been even better if you reviewed the whole series or 3-4 videos showing a few skills.

  2. A pretty good video. It would have been even better if you reviewed the whole series or 3-4 videos showing a few skills.
