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Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Noah Veenstra-Trail Sherpa Resource Review

Noah Veenstra
Mr. Laughton
Trail Sherpa Review
(Author Unavailable)

Rating *****

     There are a lot of resources all over the web that give a lot of insight into outdoor activities, hiking, canoeing, extreme sports, the list, of course, goes on. This time I decided to look into camping, seeing as the trip is coming up, I figured there would be a lot of fun little things that can be done to have an amazing time. In my efforts I stumbled upon a website called Trail Sherpa, specifically a post about 89 camping tips to elevate any campsite.

     Just this one article from the site has a ton of information about all kinds of things you can do to better your camping experience. Just like what we did in class the article has tips for the essential survival needs you will have (minus signalling because that should not be necessary). For shelter it has all kinds of strategies on ways you can stay warm, where to put your tent, what tent to choose, DIY nightlights and many other neat things. For fire they go over safety, and tools. Then for food they talk about recipes, ways to store your food, ways to cook it, and faster ways to clean it up. Then lastly, there was the water section which talked about sterilization, and management of your water supply. Altogether the website has links to sites with great over-the-fire recipes, online sites that sell all kinds of camping gear, and links to tons of other posts people on Trail Sherpa have written. 

     I would definitely say this resource has affected me. It has given me a lot of ideas for the canoe trip and just being outdoors in general. There are a lot of things that I would love to try, the recipes, and the d.i.y. tools are just some of them. More than just that though, reading this article has made me think about the creative side of camping apposed to the, get work done side of camping. Both have adventures of their own but there is a lot more fun to be had when you're making it you're own experience. We don't just have to make the recipes people suggest, we can make our own concoctions, they may be awful, but we're making the most of our time. Creativity is exactly how I'm going to change my behavior, I'm going to do my best to enjoy every angle of these kinds of situations even if I don't like every activity we do.

     To conclude I hope those of you who look at this take the time to go through the suggestions this site has, and hopefully you will like it as much as I did. Creativity should never be limited to one person! It may just be three days were camping for, but as far as experiences can go, that's more than a glass half full.  

Works Cited
"89 Camping Tips to Camp like a Champ." Trail Sherpa. Trail Sherpa, n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.

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