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Thursday 28 April 2016

SurvivorDude: Solo Survival  
Video by: Lukas.P

Rating:***/***** (Average)

This video follows a teen, Lukas P. while he pursues his hobby of sole survivor in the wilderness for a weekend.  Lukas takes us on his journey as he makes camp, starts a fire and locates food and water.  A couple of useful tips he provides are how to find a location to set up a camp, and the reasons why you should do so as soon as possible and how to start a fire using Cat Tail Ends, which catch on fire very easily.  Some tips he provided that weren't very useful were drinking directly from a stream or river without sterilizing it.  This was a bad tip because you can catch a lot of diseases if not sterilized before consumption.  Anouther tip he provided that wasn't useful in a survival situation was building a door for his shelter because in a survival situation you should focus more on staying alive and finding help before unnecessary comforts.

In this video I learned you can start a fire using Cat Tail Ends, how to build a shelter using natural resources such as branches and leaves, and helpful tips on how to find a location for a sturdy shelter.  This video helped me realize how much time you really have in a survival situation.  It also made me realize that you can’t lose focus.  In order to survive, you must stick to your game plan so you don’t forget the important tasks needed to survive, for example collecting wood for the fire or looking for a water source.

By the end of the SurvivorDude’s trip he felt satisfied with his trip and felt confident that if he was in real survival situation he would survive.

Website Title: YouTube Article Title: SurvivorDude: Solo Survival
Publisher: YouTube
Electronically Published: October 10, 2012
Date Accessed: April 22, 2016
Author: bmw911bmw911

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