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Due dates are as follows:

-Blog 1: Wednesday March 30, 2016
-Blog 2: Friday April 29, 2016
-Blog 3: Friday June 10, 2016

Happy blogging!

Wednesday 30 March 2016

29/3/16                           Orlando Duques Cliff Diving Expedition                      Shiwa Tawakoli
Rate: ****

Orlando Duque is an Olympic gold medalist high diver from Colombia. In this video; sponsored by RedBull, the 41 year old athlete visits Croatia and the island of Vis, taking us with him on his cliff diving expedition.

On his adventure along the coast, he climbs and jumps from various magnificent locations. Many people view cliff diving to be dangerous, and although it may be on the more extreme side of the spectrum, when done with caution, it can be a very exhilarating experience. There are many tourist attraction places such as La Quebrada in Mexico, that provide newcomers with cliff diving sites.

The most thrilling part of the trip, he says, was the Blue Cave. A truly majestic place with vibrant, neon blue water. This Sea cave is a protected monument of nature, hence prohibiting anyone from swimming. However, Orlando was granted permission for his venture. He described the trip to be overall a ‘once in a lifetime experience’.

I have never been cliff diving but this video has definitely inspired me to look further into this activity, and sea cave swimming. Experiential learning of the outdoors can not become any more relaxing or nerve racking than these two activities.



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