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Tuesday 29 March 2016

Castaway Review

Tuesday, 29 March, 2016

Castaway Review

Castaway - Robert Zemeckis

Rating: *****

Castaway is an immersive movie that presents a realistic show of a lone man's experiences when stranded on a remote island after a plane crash. The movie was fairly anticlimactic and there was a lack of dialogue but the movie was still enjoyable and absorbed me into the plot.

Chuck Noland, the protagonist, works at Fed Ex as an executive. As Chuck was flying to Malaysia due to an assignment there, his plane crashed over the Pacific Ocean. Miraculously being the only survivor of the crash, he finds himself on a deserted island. After spending weeks surviving on the island with only a volleyball named Wilson to accompany him, Chuck begins building a raft. Chuck's past attempts to try and catch the attention of passing ships and planes have all failed; he needs to take a risk if he wants to be saved. The raft was his only option to leave the island unless he wanted to spend his life stranded. Castaway his story of surviving on a deserted island.

This movie really absorbed me into its story. The moment Chuck became stranded on the island, I was completely immersed into the movie. The movie was very atmospheric which made it almost seem as if viewers were stranded on the island as well. The movie does not feature a whole lot of talking or soundtrack in the background but this only increases the realness of Chuck's scenario. Also, Chuck is an average man which means that it is most definitely possible for someone in real life to have experienced and done similar things as Chuck to survive. 

Castaway relates to outdoor ed. since it is basically a realistic movie on surviving in the wild and away from any suburban areas. The physical and mental tasks Chuck did in the movie all helped him survive which can be connected to the survival unit in outdoor ed. as well.

This is a great 50 minute movie to watch when craving for a survival film and won't take up much time. Really recommend it.  
     Castaway. Dir. Robert Zemeckis. Perf. Tom Hanks. 2000. Twentieth Century Fox Film Coporation, 2000. Film.

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