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Due dates are as follows:

-Blog 1: Wednesday March 30, 2016
-Blog 2: Friday April 29, 2016
-Blog 3: Friday June 10, 2016

Happy blogging!

Tuesday 29 March 2016


Rating: ***** 5/5

Dominic Lovisa

Ice Diving Guitar In Antarctica 

The video I'm sharing is the perfect combinations of both my interests. It has music, scuba diving and I feel it is a great representation of how far you can go in the scuba world. The video showcases the dive crew's last dive of the season in Antarctica. The crew was listening to Tisziji Muñoz the musical artist that inspired the crew to share their unique job with the world. Scuba diving has plenty of different options from commercial to recreational, and are all rewarding in the sense that they take some work to get to do, but the sensation is like no other.

I personally got into scuba diving just over a year ago and simply can't recommend a single other activity more than this one. The feeling of taking your first breaths underwater is indescribable. Scuba diving gives you a weightless feeling unlike any other activity, and words simply don't do it justice. I'm hoping this peaks at least someones interest and I hope someday everyone can have a shot at the strangely amusing underwater activity.

The video is highly relatable to the Outdoor Ed class, as this is an outdoor activity that can be enjoyed by just about anyone and there are options here in Ottawa to get involved. The scuba diving community is like one large extended family, and I feel it suits the model of the Outdoor Ed class.

I hope some of you were interested in this bizarre form of Outdoor Activity and as mentioned before I simply cannot recommend anything more than I recommend scuba.

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